- Responsive and mobile friendly
- MULTI-TOUCH GESTURES SUPPORT. Supported gestures: drag/swipe to navigate through items, pinch to zoom in/out, double-tap to zoom, tap to toggle controls.
- ZOOM ON THE DESKTOP. You can also zoom in or out thanks to a double tap. Double tap allows to precisely zoom on a media point. Works with mouse double click.
- Working in all major browsers
- SlideShow (Auto Play).
- Browser History. GmediaSlider uses HTML5 History API to build unique urls from current opened media. These URLs allow to automatically open a gallery on page load.
- Thumbnails navigation. Quickly navigate in your galleries thanks to thumbnails on click/tap.
- FullScreen Mode. Display your images in full-screen for a better user experience. Only works with browsers and devices which support the JavaScript Fullscreen API.
- Social Sharing. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Page URL
- Fast, hardware accelerated CSS3 transitions
- Optional keyboard navigation (FullScreen Mode).
- Optimized preloading
- Simple to Use